Ways to Smoke Weed Easy on the Throat

If you are here, then you probably love cannabis as much as we do. Between the excitement of picking from thousands of unique strains and the anticipation of the individual high, marijuana can be a wonderful thing. And not to mention its medicinal advantages. However, similarly to smoking a cigarette or cigar, smoking marijuana can lead to a sore and irritated throat. This makes smoking significantly LESS enjoyable.

Although it is easy enough in most cases to smoke through a sore throat, nobody wants their experience ruined by such irritations, do they? So, to help, we have come up with six solutions so that the next time you're faced with a raspy voice, a frustrating cough, or a dry, sore throat – you will know what to do!

Can Marijuana Cause a Sore Throat?

The quick answer here is yes. However, let us explain a little. Although marijuana is often used for various conditions, it still can do some harm – like most things.


Marijuana can be smoked in numerous ways, including in a joint, bong, or vape device. Because of this, there may be several reasons why users experience a sore throat. A common cause is that upon inhalation, the heat of the vapor irritates the back of the throat. However, we still have much to learn about the long-term risks involved in smoking.

We realize everyone is different; seasoned cannabis users may have years of experience and certain routines to combat or minimize the results of endless smoking. But, if you are new to smoking – stick with us for six easy things you can do to help with a sore post-weed throat!

#1. H2O – Of course!

Let's start with the most obvious one, and probably the one that most people still fail to do. Staying hydrated is always important, but if you plan on smoking, whether it is just a little pick me up or an entire evening of smoking, it's especially useful to stay hydrated with water.

It is free, and there is nothing more beneficial for you when combating that pesky dry mouth we all know and hate. Trust us when we say that drinking a healthy amount of water before, during, and after smoking will help your throat stay moist and clear and help avoid cottonmouth better than any other drink.

#2. Enjoy Soothing Foods

When we're sick, we often get our family and friends to cook us noodle soup and dote on us with ice cream and tea. The point is, soothing foods can aid a sore throat, even when the cause isn't an illness but rather a side effect of cannabis.

This tip is doubly beneficial because what do we love more than eating culinary delights while flying high? Stock your fridge with your favorite warm foods, like soups. As mentioned earlier, warm liquids are more soothing to a sore throat than cold ones.

#3. The Old Saltwater Gargle

Another oldie but goodie is the old-school saltwater gargle. Yes, this is usually reserved for the sick or those with a throat infection. But actually, gargling salt water can ease a very sore throat in the same way it could if you were genuinely ill.

Gargling salt water can ease a very sore throat in the same way it could if you were genuinely ill.

Don't get us wrong, swilling salty water around your mouth is bad at the best of times, but with your taste buds ramped up to 11 during a state of high, it is bound to be disgusting! However, in the name of relief, it can help, especially if you put the salt into lukewarm water rather than cold.

#4. Inject Some Moisture into the Air

Where do you like to enjoy your pot? Are you a great outdoors smoker, or do you prefer to draw the curtains and hide away indoors? It may not seem like it, but your location can have a significant impact on how sore your throat gets from smoking weed.

If you are more of an indoor type, then we recommend investing in a vaporizer or a humidifier which can help inject a little moisture into hot and dry air. Without it, you can be unknowingly subjecting your throat to more heat and harsh air as you aren't getting any fresh air. Using one of the above during the night can clear the space, leaving you to wake up feeling fresher than ever.

#5. Take a Step Back

Okay, so you may not like this one – but we have a valid point. If you are smoking weed a lot and you suffer from a sore throat, it may be worth taking a break from the bud.

Unpopular opinion, we know. But the fact is that subjecting your throat to persistently harsh substances will prevent your throat from recovering, and in severe cases, it could even lead to more serious issues such as bronchitis.

Simply taking a few days off can help your throat recover and make your next cannabis experience one you can truly enjoy to its full potential!

#6. Explore Your Options

Lastly, but perhaps most importantly – we advise anybody struggling with a persistent sore throat from smoking weed to explore your options. If you have tried our above tips, or even if you haven't – sometimes the answer lies in your methods.


We are all different, and while one person may be able to smoke back-to-back joints without issue, the next may struggle after just a couple of tokes, so it pays to see what other options are out there. What are the other choices if you're considering venturing out from joints and bongs?

Vaping: Vaping can be an easier, more discreet way of enjoying both THC and CBD, and it is significantly less harsh on the throat too. The great thing about vaping is that it cools the air down before it hits your throat, and you can also choose from dozens of designs and styles, allowing for a personalized experience!

Edibles: Don't fancy smoking at all? Edibles can be a great way to get high or medicate without the harshness of smoke or inhaling anything. While edibles take a little while longer before the effects kick in, it can be a much more positive experience if you struggle with a sore throat or respiratory issues.

There are alternatives to smoking such as vaporizers, edible, patches, and tinctures – so shop around if you are struggling.

These are just a couple of the ways you can explore different avenues with your weed. Of course, there are other alternatives such as patches and tinctures – so shop around if you are struggling.

Final Thoughts on Treating Your Sore Throat After Smoking Weed

Okay, so you have made it this far – but what we want to know is, have you already tried out any of our methods, or are these new to you?

We have been in the game a long time now, and we have seen first-hand that people can succumb to peer pressures when smoking in a group. This can lead to users smoking more than they can handle. It's always important to listen to your body and treat it with respect.

Let us know down in the comments; how do you ease a sore throat? And what is your favorite way of consuming cannabis this year?


Source: https://wayofleaf.com/cannabis/101/sore-throat-after-smoking

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